Make Excellence Your Average

Make Excellence Your Average

in partnership with

From Mike Oster - Founding Member of Day of Excellence and the Best Selling author of "It Starts With Attitude" - an exciting new way to make excellence your average!

Day of Excellence has provided Rapid City and the Black Hills with a fam-packed day of inspiration and motivation to help everyone thrive and grow for over 13 years. Top-notch speakers with powerful messages provide an energy boost so you can go out into the world and accomplish your goals and dreams.

But with Day of Excellence only hosted once per year, what do you do between each DOE event?

How can you capture Day of Excellence energy and channel it to propel you forward through the rest of the year?

Finally - Mike Oster, in partnership with Day of Excellence, brings you what you've been asking for!

Journey in Excellence is a leadership and development program built to help you:

  • Show up as your best self, all day, every day!

  • Make Excellence Your Average in all of life's aspects: your health, your career, and your relationships.

  • Expand your network with extraordinary people, like yourself.

  • Achieve peak performance through effective mindset shifts.

  • Strengthen your resilience and tenacity so you have confidence in any situation.

  • Inspire and impress to increase your influence and effectiveness!

Total value: $7,092.95

Your Investment: Only $1,497!

10% of all proceeds will be donated to Day of Excellence!

Journey in Excellence

Excellence is Average

A change in attitude can change your life.

By defining the right attitude, we can change our outlook on life and the majority of the outcomes life brings us.

When life has us feeling down, keeping an optimistic disposition can seem unrealistic or unauthentic - so we know the "right" attitude is more than just slapping a smile on your face and looking for the bright side or silver lining. Having the right attitude is about equipping yourself with the confidence and skills needed to navigate the journey through the storm.

Making excellence your average is about ensuring you are showing up and giving your all, in every aspect at any stage of where you are at, so you are mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually ready to tackle - and overcome - the obstacles that come your way.

Anyone can achieve these results with this powerful mindset but it is so much more difficult when you are on your own. Having a community and network of like-minded individuals who support you along the way is what makes the experience whole - giving you another resource to keep you on track for your journey in excellence experience ultimately leading to living where excellence becomes your average. These people know what you're going through, can help you along the way, and because they are also investing in themselves like you are, there's additional accountability and a special bond you share.

As you grow into the next version of yourself, you will have questions, concerns, hesitancies, even some doubt. Mike is here to help with those challenges AND will be there to celebrate your successes and triumphs!

Journey in Excellence is Mike's live 12 session virtual leadership and personal development program. Throughout your time together, Mike addresses the numerous aspects it takes to have the attitude required for making excellence your average. He works with you on a deeper level than what independent reading and learning can offer.

Together, you'll work toward developing and refining the mindset necessary to make excellence your average, so you can create the life you want. Whether that be a promotion at work, more fulfilling relationships, recognition within the community, or improvement in balancing it all, Journey in Excellence is your “level-up” personal and professional development opportunity.

What do you get?

  • Practical skills for personal and professional development

  • Confidence to navigate challenges and seize opportunities

  • Strategies for career fulfillment and progression

  • Proven methods for increasing community impact and influence

  • 12 Session - Each one a 90 Minute Live Call with Mike including instruction, discussion and Q&A plus, lifetime access to the recordings!

  • 4 Live Bonus Events (with Special Guests like James E. Dixon, the Absolute Motivator) for the side-quests you’ll face along your journey such as mindfulness, communication skills, emotional intelligence, self-reflection, etc.

  • Signed copy of "It Starts with Attitude"

  • The Journey In Excellence workbook

  • Personal Gratitude/Victory journal

  • LIFETIME Community Access for ongoing resources, discussions, and notice of future events

Total value: $7,092.95

Only $1,497!

10% of all proceeds will be donated to Day of Excellence!

It Starts With Attitude addresses how to live in a place where excellence becomes your average. Mike wrote the book as a "how to" manual for positioning ourselves to attain and maintain a positive attitude all day, every day. There is always an opportunity to grow, regardless of our current status and fortune and, when we become better at who we are, we become better in all we do.

If you are looking to become the best version of yourself, live in a place where excellence is your average, and seek continued personal and professional growth, Journey in Excellence is your opportunity!

We are either growing or we are dying.

Mike's book, "It Starts with Attitude" is the “how to” and Journey in Excellence is the execution and accountability to make it happen.

When it comes to personal growth, leadership development, or anything in life, it's really easy to “talk the talk”, but “walking the walk” is another story.

Do you remember being excited to be "done" with school?

It marked the end of studying, lectures, note-taking, textbook reading (for those of you who did those things). You were going to graduate, and you were all prepared to know everything you needed to succeed in life, right?


The reality is, we must continue to learn because the world keeps growing, changing and evolving and we want to make sure that we are doing the same. Remember, two options: we are either growing or we are dying and, if you’ve read this far, you want to be growing!

Growing, constantly striving to be a better version of ourselves and working to make excellence our average. That’s what we do when we understand and believe that when we become better at who we are, we become better in all we do.

This all happens when:

  • We invest in ourselves so we can grow.

  • We take risks.

  • We get uncomfortable.

  • We meet new people.

  • We embrace life's opportunities and realize issues don’t exist.

  • We choose positivity when others are negative.

  • We find humor in our daily lives.

  • We bring our best self all day, every day!

A true commitment to excellence certainly includes reading books, listening to podcasts, and listening to motivational speakers. These are fantastic activities and practices to participate in for continued reminders and to stay focused... This is your chance to take it one step further and put the lessons you've read, takeaways you've heard, and revelations you've written into action with a consistent program and community for accountability - THAT is how you offer your best self all day, every day.

Journey in Excellence is created so you can associate with people like you, striving to live in excellence and go from the sidelines to the all-star player, and get the support to find your courage so you can excel in all aspects of your life.

We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with.

While this was a saying your mom or dad told you so you wouldn't hang out with the "wrong crowd" growing up, there is some scientific evidence to support the idea that you "become" those you hang around with the most.

The phenomenon of neural synchronization addresses the correlation of brain activity over time amongst a group of people that essentially creates a degree of similarity between everyone in the group. Your actions, thought processes, and decisions are supported and backed by other people within the group, therefore validating any behaviors, decisions, or thoughts we have.

Imagine if you surrounded yourself with people who consistently and constantly acted and thought in a world of excellence being their average.

Being able to adapt and evolve is how we will "bring up the average", make impressive impact, and achieve our goals - no matter what they are.

Journey in Excellence provides a relaxed-formal group setting. We are all striving toward the same thing: making excellence our average BUT going about it in our own way.

Someone could be working toward a promotion at work and want to be more confident in the presence they have in group settings.

Another person could have the desire to inspire others and is seeking improved leadership skills.

Another individual might want to learn how to better balance the bad stress, so every circumstance is an opportunity.

Who do you need to be?

Take a moment and think about your number one goal right now.

It can be…

  • Being a better parent, spouse, or friend.

  • Landing that big promotion at work.

  • Leading a team to success.

  • Becoming a person of influence.

  • Being a positive role-model.

  • Starting a business.

  • Participating in new experiences.

  • Living your dream life…

Now, ask yourself, "Who do I need to be to have that kind of outcome?"

Journey in Excellence is here to help you become the person you need to be.

Journey in Excellence is for people who want to invest in themselves.

They are continuous learners (or ready to become one!) and hungry for a positive, energetic environment led by someone who has their best interest as a priority.

These people love their community and where they come from, but also know there are other amazing people out there - and they want to meet them grow with them, and win with them!

They are dedicated to enhancing their well-being (physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally) to create a self that is ready and open to overall excellence.

What Others Are Saying

“I have been the fortunate beneficiary of Mike’s wisdom, inspiration, and coaching for over a decade! His ability to help me and others shift our thinking toward the positive and possibilities when it is really difficult is remarkable. The best part is he does it with incredible wit and humor, leaving the recipient both changed and entertained! A unique and inspiring quality!"

"Mike is very genuine and his commonsense approach to thinking positively reminded me how much control I have over how I approach my job, my coworkers, my family and my friends each day. "

- Sheila Mennenga

"Mike believes our greatest fulfillment comes from finding and achieving our life’s true purpose. Drawing on his personal and professional experience, he demonstrates how to harness our strengths to live a more purposeful life, develop a mindset to help recognize and embrace opportunity, and develop a resilient and mental toughness to overcome life’s challenges."

Meet Mike Oster

Mike Oster is a professional keynote speaker, author, entrepreneur, mentor, and leadership consultant providing quality "edutainment" for 25+ years. He is a leading authority on developing the right attitude to be a successful leader, follower, team-builder, and team member, ultimately ensuring excellence in results.

Mike has an extensive background. Working for a Fortune 500 corporation, owning and operating his own business, and a career in public service as an elected official, community leader, and volunteer with over 36 years of military service in the South Dakota Army National Guard, attaining the rank of Brigadier General. Mike has received the Defense Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army and Air Force Commendation Medals along with numerous other awards and decorations.

Born and raised on a small farm in eastern South Dakota, Mike learned at a very young age the value of a hard day’s work and what it means to pour your heart and soul into a profession that did not always cooperate. Being the youngest of five children in a highly competitive house provided some additional “growth opportunities.” His parents provided tremendous support, while engraining the importance of committing to something greater than yourself and emphasising the implementation of the golden rule at every opportunity. This became the fundamental "training” for a broad range of skills that made Mike a highly effective communicator and teacher, helping others focus on how to be the best version of themselves in all they do.

Besides being a husband to his wife Jo since 1988 and father to four amazing children, Mike has two passions: serving his country and providing motivational, inspirational, and educational seminars to a variety of groups and organizations around the country. He truly believes that we can all live in a place where excellence becomes the average in all that we do. When we make excellence our average on a good day, we are spectacular, and on a bad day we are still great

Frequently Asked Questions

When does Journey in Excellence start?

Orientation is on Thursday, May 30th. We will begin at 0900 (Mountain Time) and end at 1030 (Mountain Time). Block off your calendar! This will be your opportunity to meet the rest of the group, have a complete rundown of the program, learn how things work, review the materials you will have received for the program and learn who to contact if you have any questions during the program. Plus, this is the space to have all your questions answered prior to the program starting to ensure you gain the maximum amount from the program.

The first official Journey in Excellence session will be on Thursday, June 13th at 0900 (Mountain Time).

While the formal session ends after 1 hour, Mike will be available for 30 minutes at the end of each session to continue the discussion, answer additional questions etc.

How long is Journey in Excellence?

In total, Journey in Excellence is 16 sessions over 24 weeks (not including an orientation day). That includes 12 sessions of the program and 4 bonus sessions with guest speakers. The bonus sessions will be announced during the program and will be held on the Thursday’s in between the scheduled sessions.

What if I have a scheduling conflict?

Being present during the sessions is going to get you the most value for your time, energy, and money! But life happens. Each session will be recorded, and the video will be available to access in the online community.

Every session will be primarily focused on the current lesson with an opportunity for discussion and Q&A at the end of the sessions. If there is time, questions for any missed or previous sessions may be discussed or can be brought up in the community forum.

Do I need to read "It Starts with Attitude" before we begin?

No! Journey in Excellence has been created utilizing the main points from the book so reading the book along with the program is absolutely acceptable and even slightly preferred.

What are the dates?

Orientation Day will be held on Thursday, May 30th from 0900 to 1030 (Mountain Time).

The 12 Session Dates are as follows:

June 13, 2024

June 27, 2024

July 11, 2024

July 25, 2024

August 8, 2024

August 22, 2024

September 5, 2024

September 19, 2024

October 3, 2024

October 17, 2024

October 31, 2024

November 14, 2024

Each session will be approximately 1 hour and begin at 0900 (Mountain Time). While the formal session ends at 1000 (Mountain Time), Mike will be available for 30 minutes at the end of each session for participants to continue the discussion, ask additional questions etc.

Bonus sessions with guest speakers will be announced within the online community well in advance of those sessions so participants have an opportunity to make their schedules available to participate.

What happens after Journey in Excellence?

You retain lifetime access to the recordings, resources, and online community!

Do you offer a payment plan?

Yes! If you are interested we offer a 3 month payment plan, please email the team and we'll get you set up!

Are you ready to elevate your life to new heights?

Journey In Excellence offers a transformative 12-session virtual program designed to help you make excellence your everyday standard. With a holistic approach to personal and professional growth, Mike guides you through topics such as mindset mastery, resilience building, and peak performance strategies.

But Journey In Excellence is more than just a program – it's a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to supporting each other on their journey to success. Join a vibrant network of motivated individuals and industry leaders, forge meaningful connections, and open doors to new opportunities.

Featuring exclusive insights from guest speakers, including renowned experts in personal development and leadership, Journey In Excellence provides invaluable perspectives on overcoming obstacles, achieving success, and living with purpose.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock your full potential and make excellence your average in every aspect of your life.

Join us now and embark on a journey of growth, transformation, and success with Journey In Excellence!

What do you get?

  • Practical skills for personal and professional development

  • Confidence to navigate challenges and seize opportunities

  • Strategies for career fulfillment and progression

  • Proven methods for increasing community impact and influence

  • 12 Sessions - Each one a 90 Minute Live Call with Mike including instruction, discussion and Q&A plus, lifetime access to the recordings!

  • 4 Live Bonus Events (with Special Guests like James E. Dixon, the Absolute Motivator) for the side-quests you’ll face along your journey such as mindfulness, communication skills, emotional intelligence, self-reflection, etc.

  • Signed copy of "It Starts with Attitude"

  • The Journey In Excellence workbook

  • Personal Gratitude/Victory journal

  • LIFETIME Community Access for ongoing resources, discussions, and notice of future events

Total value: $7,092.95

Your Investment: Only $1,497!

10% of all proceeds will be donated to Day of Excellence!

© 2024 Mike Oster | Designed by Social Jargn